Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Diamond Can Scratch

When a diamond is neglected, it can be damaged and eventually ruined. It is important to keep diamonds away from other jewelry because being the hardest gemstone; a diamond can scratch other gemstones. A diamond can also scratch another diamond. If this happens, the clarity of the diamond will be affected. Clarity refers to the inclusions and the external blemishes a diamond has within it. Scratches are external blemishes that can reduce a diamond’s value. So if you want your diamond jewelry to Diamonds once they are cut and polished can be chipped with a hard blow. Because of this, it is important to be careful with your diamond jewelry. Do not use your diamond ring when you are engaged in sports or other tough activities. Remove your diamond ring or bracelet when doing the dishes or gardening. The mounting of diamond might get loose when you do certain activities around the house that could cause the diamond to fall and be lost forever.

If the diamond jewelry came from a reputable jewelry store, it would always come with literature on how to properly clean it. Usually, the literature that comes with your diamond jewelry purchase will give you instructions on how to clean the diamond and what type of solutions to use in cleaning. Some cleaning compounds which are oil-based such as soaps and other lotions cover diamonds with a thin film layer that makes the diamond somewhat dull and lifeless.

To clean the diamond without affecting its brilliance, it is best to use any of these four methods namely; detergent bath, cold water soak, quick-dip method, and ultrasonic cleaner. If possible, use a cleaning solution that is recommended by the jeweller where you bought your diamond jewelry from since the jeweller will have more experience than you with regards to diamond jewelry cleaning.

The detergent method uses any detergent powder that is dissolved in lukewarm water. Cleaning of the diamond should be made by a soft-bristled toothbrush using the suds of the detergent-water mixture. After removing all the dirt and grime, rinse the diamond under running water then pat dry with a soft, clean, lint-free cotton cloth.

Another method of cleaning diamond jewelry is by mixing household ammonia and cold water and by dipping the diamond gently in the solution.

The last method of cleaning involves an ultrasonic machine that sends out high frequencies to a diamond jewelry soaked in water and mild detergent. Always remember to take care of your diamond jewelry since they are one of your most precious investments.

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